Computer Vision and Deep Learning

Computer Vision and Deep Learning

Develop cutting-edge methodology for solar eruption detection and characterization, based on computer vision and deep learning methods.

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metric solar radio imaging

metric solar radio imaging

Unlock the discovery potential of uniquely rich low-frequency radio imaging data, showing of the early stages of solar eruptions.

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energetic particle acceleration

energetic particle acceleration

Transform our understanding of energetic particle acceleration in solar eruptions, combining radio imaging and energetic particle modelling.

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MOSAIICS is a 5-year research project, part of the National Science Program “VIHREN”. It is hosted at the Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The project PI is Assoc. Prof. Kamen Kozarev.

MOSAIICS aims to improve our understanding of the physics of solar eruptions by integrating modern computer vision, advanced solar radio imaging, and energetic particle modeling.

You can learn more about the project, or each topic link.
Or let us know if you have any questions, on our Contact form.

The MOSAIICS project is funded under contract KP-06-DV-8/18.12.2019 to the Institute of Astronomy and NAO, BAS, under the National Scientific Program “VIHREN” of the Bulgarian National Science Fund.

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