Development of Synthetic Radio Emission Images for Comparison With LOFAR and MWA

We have created an extremely valuable tool for studying the quiet-time and active periods of the Sun, which combines radio observations (with LOFAR and MWA) with results from solar coronal MHD modeling. We have developed Python code, which produces forward maps of coronal plasma quantities (shown in Figure 1 below), based on daily output from the MHD around a sphere (MAS) coronal MHD model. We have conveniently implemented the output as SunPy maps in heliographic projective coordinates. In addition, we have developed functionality for creation of synthetic LOFAR images from forward-modeled thermal bremsstrahlung emission, based on the plasma conditions in the MAS simulations. This is shown in Figure 2 below, where the observed and synthetic LOFAR images are compared in the top panels. The point spread functions of these observations are also shown at the bottom panels. The plots created with our new tool are very informative about the global state of the corona, and form the basis of the simulation of coronal gyrosynchrotron radio emissions, which we are working to implement.

Figure 1. Forward modeling results provide important context for quiet-time imaging solar observations. The plot shows maps of simulated plasma quantities (density, temperature, magnetic field, Alfven speed, plasma beta, and total pressure), projected onto the plane of sky.

Figure 2. The observed LOFAR Sun at 50 MHz (top left panel), together with the synthetic thermal bremsstrahlung emission (top right panel), based on an MHD simulation of the corona.