Multi-Source Spectral Observations of Solar Type-III Bursts

This work aims to investigate the sources of the radio emissions from the Sun using multi-spacecraft as well as ground-based beamformed and interferometric remote observations. It consists of performing spectral analysis on the dynamic spectra for multiple case studies of solar type-III radio bursts by comparing multi-viewpoint remote observations of radio bursts detected by different

Radio Imaging of the Quiet Sun with LOFAR

In work ( recently published in The Astrophysical Journal (IF 5.874), we performed observations of the quiet Sun in the frequency range of 20-80 MHz with the Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR), in which we achieved an unprecedented spatial resolution of quiet Sun in decametric wavelengths. A large number of low-frequency (LBA) antennas in LOFAR provide the

Improving Quiet-Time Low-Frequency Radio Solar Observations with Machine Learning

Radio interferometric observations are quite difficult, especially at the lowest frequencies observable from the ground. During the night, observing targets are usually steady in emission, and there is little ionospheric interference. During the day the situation is quite different. Quiet-time solar observations at low frequencies reveal a wealth of structures, previously unexplored. Interferometric imaging reveals

Open Postdoc Position

We are hiring a postdoctoral researcher for the MOSAIICS project! The Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory (IANAO) of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences invites applications for a three-year Post-doctoral researcher position to work on processing and analyzing advanced low-frequency radio imaging observations of solar coronal shocks and coronal mass ejections from the Low